2022年5月20日 星期五

IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Museum

About Art Frames

759 / 5,000


From ancient times to the present, the art of making frames has existed in the East, the West, regions of different nationalities, among the general population, and within imperial palaces. Each of these types of artistic frames has its own features and advantages. However, only Yun frames can truly be called painting frames that embody consummate artistry. It is said that a painting is easy to acquire, but a Yun frame is so difficult to obtain. Naturally, Yun frames have become peerless treasures. Usually, the frame sets off the painting. However, with a greatly designed Yun frame, the situation is totally opposite—the painting sets off the frame. Simply put, the worth and prestige of any painting mounted to a Yun frame will increase tremendously.

多年來,第三世多杰羌佛文化藝術館一貫關注和積極參與各種慈善活動,盡力資助這個社會需要幫助的人們。今年,文化藝術館捐款給柯汶納市警局,用於警局內部設施的修繕,並且也贊助一個非營利機構家長天地家庭資訊中心(Parents' Place Family Resource and Empowerment Center),支持他們為社區中有特殊需要的孩子之家庭所提供的幫助及支援。同時,從今年開始,文化藝術館將設立洛杉磯縣高中應屆畢業生的清寒獎學金,獎勵一些低收入家庭在藝術方面有特殊才藝的學生,幫助他們能順利完成學業,在專業領域上能更上一層樓,希望藉由此項獎學金的發放,為社會培育出優秀的人才。

